Friday, November 5, 2010

Four Elements Mandala

I'm taking a Mandala Making Seminar over at The Pagan Online Campus. It's really more about Mandalas than making them although we are doing some coloring pages. Yes, like a coloring book for adults. ;) I feel this gives you a chance to reinterpret what the artist had in mind; a collaborative piece finished quite a bit after it was started!

This coloring page I saw as Celtic rather than Buddhist, the four elements swirling around me. I am the interlacing in the middle. The edge is the spectrum of colors repeated twice. I used colored pencils. The grey is actually silver and the light brown is gold. I will confess I did this without reading about Mandalas so it's probably "wrong" in some way. It will be interesting to read about them and then look at this one to see what I might have done differently!

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